Debra Mergel
Debra Mergel is a native Texan born in Weatherford, who joined the Randle Law Office in 2022. Debra began practicing law following a career in teaching. After graduating from Abilene Christian University as an honors graduate, she graduated from Texas Tech University School of Law. Prior to practicing municipal law at Randle Law Office, she served as an Assistant District Attorney, prosecuted CPS and bond forfeiture cases, responsible for all civil matters and provided legal advice to elected and appointed officials. Debra also worked previously for a law firm specializing in collecting delinquent ad valorem taxes. For over 20 years, both as an in-house and outside counsel, Debra has been a trusted legal advisor to counties, cities, appraisal districts, appraisal review boards, and community associations. Debra lives in Jersey Village with her husband Harry, where she serves as a member of the Jersey Village Planning & Zoning Commission.
- Juris Doctorate, Texas Tech University, 1998
- Master of Education, Abilene Christian University, 1991
- Bachelor of Education, Abilene Christian University, 1983
- Texas, 1998
Professional Recognition
- Former President of Waller County Rotary Club, 2013, 2015
- Texas Municipal League
- Texas City Attorneys Association (Merit Certificate in Municipal Law)
- Planning & Zoning of Jersey Village